Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Novel: Boy in Striped Pyjamas

Task: Auschwitz


Through this task you will discover how the Jews filled their days in the concentration camps and experience what it was like to live  in those living conditions.

      Click on the topic ‘Historical collection’ on your left hand side.

      Answer the questions below.


1)      http://pl.auschwitz.org/m/index.php?option=com_ponygallery&func=watermark&id=1723&Itemid=17What objects did they find in Auschwitz’s concentration camp?








2)      Which of the objects mentioned in the previous question have a symbolic meaning? Explain why.







3)      Which of these items can you link to the book? Why?








Click on the topic ‘Home page – Museum’. Then click on the link ‘History’. On this page you can find the topic ‘Children in Auschwitz’. Surf to this page.


4)      Were there only Jews deported to Auschwitz? Motivate your answer.








Click on the button ‘Next’ under the paragraph. You will get to page 2 out of 7 (or 7 out of 7).


5)      What was the fate of the children in Auschwitz? Name two possibilities.





Go to the topic ‘Home page – History’ and click on KL Auschwitz/Birkenau.


6)        What were the three divisions of the camp called? What was the purpose of each of them?





7)      What was the ‘Interessengebiet’ used for?






















Now, click on the topic ‘Life in the camp’ (living conditions – nutrition – order of the day).


8)      How were the living conditions of the people in concentration camps? Describe them in 5 lines.









9)      Do you agree on this statement ‘Animals in farms were treated better then Jews in concentration camps’. Motivate your answer.









B.                     Go to the website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLs1mOJMRPo.

It’s a short film about Auschwitz. Pay attention to the pictures.


1)       What did you see in the film?






2)      After seeing these images, how would you describe the living conditions of the people in concentration camps? Motivate your answer.







C.                        To end this task, listen to the following interview with one of the Holocaust survivors on this        website: http://www.filmeducation.org/theboyinthestripedpyjamas/reading_history/reading_history.html. It is sometimes hard to understand so you can use the transcript you can find next to the recording.


Listen to Extract 1 ‘Why do you think the Holocaust should be remembered?’


1)      According to Eva Neumann, why should the Holocaust be remembered?








2)      Creative assignment: Now, it’s up to you to  think of a way of how people can keep remembering the Holocaust. What would you do? Which actions would you take? (a documentary, an exhibition, a work of art,…). Describe your idea in 10 lines.




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